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How To Lose Over 100lbs & Keep It Off For Decades!
Who Is Gregory & Why His History Is So Unique
How The Obesity Epidemic Is Affecting You
Diet & Nutrition
Benefits of the Paleo Diet
Eliminate Your Refined Sugars
Don't Drink Your Calories
The Importance Of Your Microbiome
Additives That Are Obese-Causers
Limit Your Fruits
Fasting & Other Biohacks
How Intermittent Fasting Will Change Your Life
The Myriad Benefits Of Fasting
The Types Of Fasting
The Ketogenic Diet & Its Connections To Fasting
Move The Body...Shock The Body!
You Must Exercise Daily...Change Your Paradigm
Strength Training Is Important...But Not Paramount
Do The Little Things Throughout The Day
Forgotten Keys To Success
Insomnia Will Make You Fat
Stress & Cortisol Will Make You Fat
Stop The Emotional Eating
You Must Resolve The Childhood Trauma
Identify Binge Eating Triggers
Your Binge Eating May Morph Into Another Addiction
Overcome Your Past Trauma To Love Your Body
Now It's Time!
Benefits of the Paleo Diet
In this lecture, Gregory discusses how our bodies, since time immemorial, are uniquely equipped to metabolize foods that exist in nature.
And conversely, not well equipped to eat processed foods, grains, and dairy.
We discuss the benefits of the Paleo Lifestyle.
We discuss what foods are considered "Paleo" and which are not.
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